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When Is It Time for Attic Insulation Removal?

February 7, 2019

The insulation in your attic goes a long way in making your home more comfortable and energy-efficient. In San Antonio and throughout Texas, cooling costs can be among some of the highest in the country, so you’ll need a way to keep cool air from escaping. However, sometimes there are factors that cause insulation to fall short of its purpose. When that’s the case, you may need to get rid of the insulation from your attic and start again. Here are a few signs that it’s time for insulation removal.

Water Damage

Perhaps your roof has sprung a leak, or maybe your home was caught in the waters of a flood. If one of these has happened, your attic insulation has probably suffered water damage and will need to be removed. By its very nature, the insulation will retain the moisture, thereby decreasing its effectiveness. Also, flood waters can retain certain chemicals from insulation that are toxic in nature. But most importantly, insulation removal after exposure to water is important because it halts the progressions of mold.

When Mold Gets Out of Control

Whether it’s from sudden, unexpected water damage or just run-of-the-mill humidity, your attic can become an environment where mold thrives. Apart from being unsightly, mold in your home can cause a range of health issues, from simple causing and wheezing to severe upper respiratory discomfort and allergic reactions. Moldy insulation should be removed from your attic quickly, before it has a chance to worsen.

Pest Infestation

While fiberglass insulation is proven to be effective, it unfortunately makes an appealing home for rodents. If you notice mouse or rat droppings in your attic, you’ll most likely need to look into insulation removal in order to kick out your unwanted visitors. Insects like carpenter ants can also take up residence in attic installation.

Outdated Material

When thinking about your attic insulation, you’ll want to take the age of your home into consideration. Was your house constructed between 1930 and 1950? If so, outdated and dangerous construction materials like asbestos could be present. If you suspect your insulation contains asbestos, do not attempt insulation removal by yourself. You’ll need to call professionals due to the hazardous nature of the substance.Once you’ve determined whether or not you need insulation removal, start deciding how to approach the project. If you decide not to hire professionals, high-capacity shop vacuums with HEPA filters are available to rent from commercial equipment stores. Be safe in your attic, taking care when moving through small spaces and making sure that you’re wearing appropriate protective clothing and goggles.

And for any questions about insulation installation/replacement, get in touch with Green Energy of San Antonio today! We can help you start saving on your energy bills and enjoying a more comfortable home, so don’t delay.