Why Should I Care About "Green" Windows?
So you're looking to make cut backs here and there. The energy bill you get every month is starting to creep higher and higher. While it's not bad right now, it's probably best to start planning for the worst. Permanent changes have to be made now to save you later on down the road.So why should you go with the investment of new green windows?It's a valid point. Plus, you've already got insulation. There are so many other things that are probably using up all your energy. You might be leaving the light on way too often. You might be leaving the temperature a little too low when it's hot outside. Also, how many hours did you spend at your computer on the internet?But here's the facts: according to a recent data chart, Americans use almost 100,000 kiloWatt hours of energy a year. To compare, the world-wide average is around 20,000. The United States uses more energy than China and India combined.But what do we use that energy for? According to the same statistic, we don't use most of that by taking a Sunday joyride or watching Netflix all weekend.Almost 50% of all energy usage at home goes to heating and cooling. 41% alone goes to just space heating. That means, on average,  you spend 40 cents of every $1.00 for heating.That needs to change. You can use less energy and less money to give you the same results your current house is giving you.First, replace the windows utilizing Green Energy's patented green window technology. Utilizing a special ENERGY STAR® branded window, any energy loss from the windows will get cut down by a very large amount. According to this website, one window can lose almost 10 times more heat than a properly insulated wall. That's too much energy lost, especially if you're paying for it.Next, make sure that your home is insulated with radiant barrier technology. While Green Energy is more than happy to do your window replacement in San Antonio, we also specialize in this insulation technology. By replacing standard insulation with radiant barrier tech, you will be able to save up to 35% on your home energy bill. That puts more money in your pocket and less energy out there.While it's an initial investment, the rewards will be far reaching. It reduces your energy consumption while also putting more money back into your home and family. Spend smarter and live greener.