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Seven Ways to Save Money Fast (By Doing Less)

July 9, 2015

When you are pinching pennies, every cent counts. There are a million ways to save money, but a lot of them require much work. . It can be a full-time job just to find ways to save money. By the end of your day, you might want to splurge to make yourself feel good.Instead of doing more to save, start doing less. Americans have habits ingrained into us that are just habits. A lot of these end up using unnecessary time and energy. Don't exhaust yourself by sticking to the same routines. Look at your routine and apply these steps to get you to do less. They will save you time, save you money, and also create some green habits at the same time.

1. Stay in on the weekends

Instead of making plans, sitting in traffic, driving to find parking, and using your car all weekend, stay indoors. Play board games you have meant to get to, but haven't had the time until now. Read a book you've been putting off. Get chores done around the house. Sit outside and enjoy some time thinking.While this may sound too simple, the proof is in the finances. A study reported by the Huffington Post shows that the individual American consumes a minimum of 350 gallons of gas a year driving. If you spend $2.75/gallon (the average price of a gallon of gas as of writing this), you are spending $850 a year on gasoline alone. Pocket that cash instead and stay in as much as you can. This will also help environmentally by consuming less fuel and producing fewer carbon emissions.

2. Take fast showers

Reducing a shower from five minutes to two will save a considerable amount of water. Consider the quantity of water you use during a shower. While it might not seem like a lot, it adds up each month. This contributes to a hefty water bill.This can be easily reduced by cutting three minutes off your shower. It is amazing to stand in the shower and let it soak in but, when pinching pennies, every second counts. Over time, see the savings build up in your bank account.

3. Don't buy bottled waterDrinking the recommended eight glasses, or two liters, of water each day from the tap would cost 49 cents for the entire year.

According to one statistic, if you were to drink the same amount each day with bottled water would cost $1,400 a year. Let that sink in for a bit.If you are worried about cleanliness, think about this. Yet another study shows that almost 20% of all bottled water has carcinogens in them. You can save yourself $1400 and drink water without carcinogens by eliminating bottled water and spending $20 on a water pitcher with a built in filter. Also, by reducing consumption of bottled water, you are removing a tremendous amount of waste created by empty bottles.

4. Don't rinse your dishes

Rinsing your dishes is an American requisite your mom made you do after you were done eating. However, it is time to stop listening to your mom and just throw the dishes in the dishwasher instead. You do not have to stop using the dishwasher, but just stop rinsing them.Studies have shown rinsing dishes can use 20 gallons of water each time. It might not seem like much, but when you consider the dishwasher performs the same function as washing dishes beforehand, it begins to add up. Let your dishes be dirty and save the 20 gallons of water for when you need it.

5. Don't pre-heat your oven

Preheating your oven makes your oven warm before you place food in it. For some people, it could take half an hour just to pre-heat the oven. Instead of doing this, just put your food in as you turn the oven on. While it might take a bit longer, it will ultimately happen in less time.

6. Air dry your clothes

After you have used your washer, you typically stick your clothes in the dryer. This takes much energy both for you and for your energy bill. Instead of holding your clothes into the dryer, start placing them elsewhere.You can dry your clothes outside. Stick up a rope and hang them on a hanger. If that is not an option, you should hang your clothes somewhere they are allowed to dry. This could be a garage, a bathroom, or anywhere. The outside is preferred, as it can leave the fresh smell of nature on your clothes. Anywhere you want to dry them is fine. Make sure to plan out a day for your clothes to dry, as this will take a bit of pre-planning. Ultimately, you'll be able to save time and money.

7. Shut down all of your electronics after sundown

We love using our devices. We might check our cell phones first thing in the morning and have them be the last thing we look at when we go to bed. However, our phones, along with TVs, computers, radios, even clocks, don't need to be used after a certain point.Much energy consumption comes from devices that perpetually use energy. Anything that has a light is using energy. Do not let this energy be wasted. Just turn it off. If you can, unplug it from the socket. Even if a device is not on, it is still using energy when plugged in.Also, turning these devices off an hour before you go to sleep will save on your energy bill. Don't let your phone be the last thing you see at night. Instead, read that book or do something else. Less energy consumption means more money saved.